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Capitol Park IV Condominium

Parking Policy


- Each unit is assigned one parking space.  


- Extra spaces are sometimes available for rent at the CPIV Office.  


- Parking in "Fire Lanes" and "No Parking" areas is prohibited. Violators are subject to ticketing and towing.


- Vehicles without current license plates or that cannot be operated on their own power may not be parked  in condominium spaces.  Violators are subject to ticketing and towing.  


- No vehicular fluids shall be disposed of on condominium property.  


- Unit Owners are responsible for enforcing exclusive use of their spaces.  


- Residents who want to have a car ticketed should:


  1) Call 311 and select 1 for DPW, which routes to the 24/7 call center.

If operating, they will send someone to ticket the car.

Once the vehicle is ticketed you can call any reputable towing company for quick removal.


  2) If DPW is not operating (Sundays and Holidays), call MPD at 911 and request that they ticket the offending vehicle.

911 dispatch will ask for:

- location

- closest street address

- description and tag number of offending vehicle

- your name and contact phone number

When the officer arrives, dispatch will call you back to meet the officer at the site and will then ticket the offending vehicle.

Then you can call any reputable towing company for quick removal.

CPIV Onsite Office:

741 Delaware Ave SW

Washington, DC 20024




Copyright: 2025 Capitol Park IV Condominium Association, Inc.

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